[fc-discuss] Financial Cryptography Update: Frank Hecker goes to the Mountain - mapping the structure of the Certificate Authority
Mon, 21 Nov 2005 23:56:33 +0000 (GMT)
Financial Cryptography Update: Frank Hecker goes to the Mountain - mapping the structure of the Certificate Authority
November 21, 2005
Frank takes aim at the woeful business known as certificate authorities
in an attempt to chart out their structural elements and market
Frank argues that CAs can be viewed as providers of one of encryption,
DNS-fixes, site identity proofs, _or_ as anti-fraud services.
Depending on which you choose, this has grave ramifications for what
follows next - Frank's thesis implicitly seems to be that only one of
those can be pursued, and each have severe problems, if not inescapable
and intractable contradictions. In the meantime, what is a browser
manufacturer supposed to do?
For those who have followed the PKI debate this will not surprise.
What is stunningly new - as in _news_ - is that this is the first time
to my knowledge that a PKI user organisation has come out and said "we
have a problem here, folks!" Actually, Frank doesn't say that in
words, but if you understand what he writes, then you'd have to be
pre-neanderthalic not to detect the discord.
What to do next is not clear - so it would appear that this essay is
simply the start of the debate. That's very welcome, albeit belated.
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